How much is your business worth?

How much is your business worth? $250,000? A million dollars? Or maybe it’s just worth $3.60 a day. Three dollars sixty? I’m guessing that you’re thinking, this guy is crazy. After the countless hours you’ve put into your business, the investments and not to mention your years of experience, you’d hardly say it’s only worth

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Why Unique Photos Are Your Secret Weapon in Geelong.

Have you noticed how so many businesses are using similar images in their marketing? The days of staged stock photos or the same image taken by a different person are gone. People are craving authenticity and originality. Consumers are looking for that one business that stands out and is different. (Have you noticed how the

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How much does a corporate headshot cost?

How much does a corporate headshot cost in Geelong

“How much does a corporate headshot cost?” That’s probably the number one asked question when I receive an enquiry from a potential client. It also happens to be the number one mistake that people make when booking for a corporate headshot session. People see a headshot as an easy photo. After all, don’t you just

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How often should I update my headshot?

How often should I update my headshot? I get asked that question almost weekly, so I thought I’d chat about it here. While it does depend on your industry, a good guide is to update it every 18 to 24 months. There are some exceptions though with the most obvious being if you’ve changed your

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What do I wear for my headshot photo session?

Real estate agent sitting on a couch in Geelong posing for his corporate headshot.

(and ten tips on choosing what looks best for you!) Choosing what to wear to a headshot session could make all the difference between having a good photo or a really great photo. The number one mistake most people make when deciding what to wear is that they’ll go with outfits that are in fashion.

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