How much is your business worth?

How much is your business worth? $250,000? A million dollars? Or maybe it’s just worth $3.60 a day. Three dollars sixty? I’m guessing that you’re thinking, this guy is crazy. After the countless hours you’ve put into your business, the investments and not to mention your years of experience, you’d hardly say it’s only worth three dollars and sixty cents! The truth is though that, most business owners, look at the overall picture in what makes their business valuable and tend to forget that it’s all the small things that matter.

Let’s look at the big picture.

We live in a time where advertising and marketing is “free”. If we go back as little as 20 years, most business advertised by either taking an ad out in the Yellow Pages or in the local newspaper. Neither was free and, once the ad had gone to print, it either lasted a few days or a year. Either way, you couldn’t change the ad until the next edition. There weren’t many other ways to get your name out other than business cards and even then, you had to go out and meet people to actually hand a card over. Then, along came Facebook. Facebook allowed us all to post images and updates about our businesses as many times a day as we wanted to. No more waiting for the next edition. With the click of a button, we could market to everyone whenever we wanted to. Businesses gained thousands of “Likes”. The more Likes you had, the more prestige you had. Never mind that some of those Likes were your Mum and Dad, the lady next door or even your old school teacher. They all added up! These people would never buy from you, but that didn’t matter. You hit 1000 Likes!! Then, Facebook woke up. Facebook realised that they could make big bucks by not showing people your posts. Organic reach went from 500 people plus per post to less than 50. So what did business owners do? They started throwing money into Social Media. It’s only $20 to Boost this for five days, let’s do it. Suddenly, the Reach went from 50 to 250. Brilliant, put another $20 on it. The same 250 people saw your post. Facebook don’t tell you that bit. They tell you that up to 400,000 people will potentially see this post.

What has this got to do with the $3.60 value of your business?

How much is your business worth?

Remember the saying “Quality over Quantity”? Keep that in mind for a moment as we look at what happens on Social Media. Everyone has a phone and every phone has a camera. Suddenly, people are seeing what their competitors are doing, so they go and take a similar photo and post it to their page. Just to show that they can offer the same service. And they beat their chest to tell everyone that their product is better. To the consumer though, it’s the same. It’s just a different supplier. So businesses decide to post more often. At different times of the day or three times a day! But, do you know what happens? People just scroll right past. That is until, something stops them and forces them to take a closer look. While your competition has put out 9 posts in the last three days and gained their 250 impressions, your one post has just hit 8,572 impressions in 7 days.

So, what’s the trick and I’m still waiting for the $3.60?

There is no trick. But, remember when I mentioned the Quality over Quantity? Give people something different to look at and they will come. There’s no point doing what your competition is doing. That’s what’s called a “Red Ocean”. Businesses fighting for position. But how can your business stand out from the crowd? With images that are so different, people have no choice but to read the caption, click through to your website and then take action. So let’s look at the big picture. To create 3 stunning and unique Active Images that will separate your business from the competition costs $1295. Or $107 a month. Or $3.60 per day. That’s $18 in five days. Cheaper than Boosting but, at the same time, putting images out there that attract attention and gain more than 250 impressions. Quality over Quantity.

What’s next?

What do you need to do for your business to make it stand out? Start with small steps. The first step is to get a Website Image Review done. This is relatively inexpensive (just $50) and you receive a detailed report on how you can improve the images on your website and Social Media. If you purchase this, and then decide to have Image To Brand create images for your site, the $50 is subtracted from your total. If you’d like to skip that step though and jump right in to creating Active Images for your business, request a free Image Consultation and get the ball rolling.

** Prices mentioned are current as of January 2025. Figures have been rounded up to the closest round number.

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