First impressions count and little things can make a big difference.

In today’s digital world, your online presence is your handshake and your professional photograph is often the first impression you make. If you are still relying on a basic headshot then it’s time to upgrade to an Executive Portrait.

Things as simple as your posture, and (especially) the way you hold your hands are all extremely important things that add up to either make or break your Executive Portrait.  

So what do I do to make your Executive Portrait perfect?

I like to discuss the session prior to taking any photos and planning the outcome. This tends to put you at ease as you now know what it is we’re trying to achieve. The other thing is to try and be as relaxed as possible.

That’s always easy to say but people still get nervous having their portrait taken. What you have to think about is that this is how your clients will see you. I’ll let you in on a secret though. Everyone that comes in for their business portraits, tells me afterwards how comfortable and relaxed they felt.  So try and relax, have a laugh and before you know it, you’ll have a professional portrait.

So, what’s the difference?

Headshot: A basic headshot can be taken by anyone, even with a phone. Be cautious though, the fact that anyone can take them usually means that the end result isn’t perfect and there can often be flaws such as bad posing or unflattering lighting.

Executive Portrait: A meticulously crafted image that reflects your personal brand and expertise. The lighting is perfect and flattering and your pose will be perfect. Clients with an Executive Portraits on their LinkedIn profile will generally receive 21 times more views than profiles without one.

Are you ready to book your session? Then contact the studio Here to receive an information pack.

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